USB Adaptador Wi-Fi Air Live WT-2000USB - Turbo-G 125Mbps

De: R$ 79,00 Por: R$ 59,90

Informações do produto

Turbo-G Family

The AirLive Turbo-G family provides 125Mbps wireless speed at the same cost as the Wireless-G devices. Unlike the Super-G mode that uses channel-binding technology, Turbo-G solution can deliver up to 1.5 times the speed of Wireless-G solution using one single channel. This means higher and more stable performance. Best of all, it is compatible with 802.11g and 802.11b solutions.


Dimensões da Embalagem (Largura X Altura X Profundidade): 16 x 14 x 3 cm

Peso do produto: 0,2 kg